Repayment request
- When and how much
do you have to pay?

Employees often demand repayment after they have been dismissed. Training costs, loans, Christmas bonuses or vacation pay are demanded back with reference to previously agreed repayment clauses. Not only is this sometimes a considerable financial burden for employees, such repayment obligations can also influence the professional decision to leave a company. In many cases, however, the agreements are invalid.

Training costs

Training costs are usually covered by employers because the training of their own employees is seen as an investment in their own company. In order to prevent employees from resigning shortly after completing the training program and then profitably applying what they have learned with other employers, employers may agree to reimburse such costs in the event of termination by employees. This is usually regulated in the employment contract or in ancillary agreements. However, these repayment clauses are subject to strict requirements of labor court case law. Even individual deviations can lead to the ineffectiveness of the entire clause and thus to the elimination of the repayment obligation, see our blog post

Christmas bonus & vacation pay

Christmas bonuses and vacation pay are also often reclaimed by employees after termination. This is permissible, for example, if the special payments were granted as a bonus and a corresponding repayment agreement was made. Whether this is the case or whether there is even a legal entitlement to payment of Christmas and/or vacation pay must be examined on a case-by-case basis. In any case, you should first take a look at your contractual provisions when requesting repayment.

We will be happy to advise you on this in a free initial consultation.

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