Online advice

In addition to our telephone and email advice, we are also available via video advice from various providers. Within a 30-minute consultation, you will receive an initial legal assessment and recommendations for action in your matter. Existing clients also always have the option of arranging an online appointment.

Wunschdatum zur Kontaktaufnahme / Provide a desired date for being contacted:
Wunschzeit für Kontaktaufnahme / Desired time when you can best be reached:
I want to be contacted via / I want to be contacted via
Bitte laden Sie ggfs. relevant files hoch / Please upload relevant files
*I have noted that fees of EUR 180.00 plus VAT apply for this / *I have noted that fees of EUR 180.00 plus VAT apply for this.
*I have the Privacy policy (data protection decalation). I agree that my details and data will be collected and stored electronically to answer my request.
*I have read and accepted the terms and conditions (terms and conditions).

Rotwang Law

Partnership of lawyers

Senf & Partner mbB

Reichenberger Str. 120
10999 Berlin
Telephone: 030/235 9888-0
Fax: 030/235 9888-99