The major widespread diseases include not only cardiovascular disease and diabetes, but also depression. Almost one in two people who have to apply for early retirement suffer from it. This shows how important it is to do everything possible to counteract the triggers of depression. Experts divide these into neurobiological and psychosocial causes. In addition to a change in the stress hormone axis - due to neurobiological causes - these include experiences of loss, chronic overload and bullying - on the psychosocial side.
Depression: illness at a young age
Unlike cardiovascular disease, diabetes or back problems, depression often occurs at a young age. It can therefore lead to permanent early retirement or temporary retirement at an age when there is only a small pension entitlement. If depression is compounded by well-founded existential worries, a more than unhealthy cycle sets in. Further stress arises, brooding and insomnia are additional triggers and symptoms at the same time. It can even be vital for those affected to break this cycle, both at a personal and professional level and through targeted treatment.
Studies have shown that certain types of people are more at risk of depression than others. This is precisely the group of people who are also more likely to be victims of bullying, namely insecure, performance-oriented, over-correct and self-sacrificing people. As with bullying, women are more affected than men. This multiple burden is one more reason to act in good time, indeed preventively, in order to avoid a continuation of the illness and a resulting dismissal. Of course, other triggers such as experiences of loss, trauma or genetic predisposition also play a role. In contrast to these causes, however, targeted action can be taken in the case of triggers in the workplace.
Scientists have found that toxic workplaces can lead to a three times higher rate of illness. It is therefore essential that not only those affected seek treatment themselves, but also that companies do everything they can to prevent toxic workplaces and avoid dismissal due to depression. This includes measures against bullying as well as in-depth employee interviews if there is a suspicion that the changes noticed could be depression.
Despite all the awareness-raising work in recent years, there is still not enough knowledge about depression. Suffering from depression does not necessarily mean that employees are sitting in a sad corner. Irritability, concentration problems and listlessness, for example, are typical signs not only of overwork and burnout, but also of depression. Speak directly to those affected if you as an employer or manager notice such changes.
In addition to medical treatment, company measures are useful, such as offering the employee another job if they are unable to cope due to illness. Employers should also check on their own initiative whether the working atmosphere is still good or whether there are signs of bullying. Openly addressing the illness and the resulting problems helps to avoid dismissal - which is not wanted by either party - due to the protracted illness or bullying in the workplace.
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