Criminal defense

Do I need a criminal defense lawyer?

Criminal proceedings are a stressful, often even life-threatening situation for defendants and their families. Especially if pre-trial detention or search measures have been ordered, it is highly advisable to seek legal advice quickly and competently in order to avoid unnecessary mistakes.

Should I testify?

Do not testify without legal advice. Regardless of whether the allegations are true or not.

What can criminal defense do?

It is often possible to work towards a favorable outcome during the preliminary proceedings, for example by discontinuing the proceedings or issuing a summary penalty order, so that a trial does not even take place. If you are a defendant in criminal proceedings, contact contact us immediately to ensure the best possible outcome.

Arrange a free and non-binding initial consultation by video call, telephone or e-mail.

We will check your chances of success free of charge!

Details of the authority and your procedure (if available)